Thursday, July 22, 2010

Ketchup and Mustard Garden

And many more fun kid-theme gardens were enjoyed recently at BG’s Simpson Gardens.

Hopefully the pictures tell it all: water barrels, potting shed, kayak planting, view the roots, tea, tires, veggies, etc.

Besides these whimsical gardens, Simpson has a healing garden, scultpture garden, water features, tree alley, and other areas under development.

Check it out sometime if you are in the area. ~~K


  1. Such a cute whimsical garden! Where is Simpson Gardens in BG?

  2. At the corner of Wintergarden and Conneaut. BG Parks had a building and fledgling gardens there - it has great potential - right now it is too hot with no shade.

  3. I'll have to remember that to take the boys!
