Thursday, May 21, 2009

Bring it On!

…”It” being the summer heat!

We’re ready! After our new windows were installed, we knew we didn’t want to mar the sills by installing framework for window air conditioners. I was also concerned about the expense and mess of having either a unit installed in the attic or mounted in an outside wall. Since we have electric baseboard heat, we don’t have any ductwork, and we don’t have a basement – whole house air conditioning is NOT an option. The solution?

A portable air conditioner!
Now we just need some sweltering heat to give it a good test. Late last summer, after our energy-efficient windows were installed, we already noticed our house didn’t heat up as much as past summers. I’m hoping this works out well for us. ~~K


  1. ooOO! I could use one of those portable A/C's! Especially since the windows here aren't A/C friendly. Where did you get it and was it horribly costly?

  2. Check out Lowe's! They have different sizes/costs - a bit more expensive than a regular window air conditioner. The exhaust kit fits almost any type of window including ones like yours, Emily.

  3. I bet you are loving that this weekend!:o)
