Saturday, July 18, 2009

A2 in A2 during AF

Annual Adventure in Ann Arbor during Art Fair
Architecture, art, adventure, etc. - pictures rather than paragraphs today!

Pleasant residential areas with eccentric yet colorful co-op houses - some very inviting.

Look up - it’s a nice view complete with “onion tops“, “Oxford-esque-ness”, enemy flags, beauty, etc.

College of Law Courtyard - complete with gargoyles

Q. Which is real?

A. Gray man! And A2 is also real.

The perfect BIKE bike rack?

Tattoos, hair, and ribbons that just keep going; nuns and metal

Another enjoyable day in A2! ~~K


  1. Everday I've had in A2 is enjoyable. It's always a date spot for Katie and I.

  2. A purple house with a hammock in A2?! That looks like the house for me! Is it within walking distance of Madras Masala by any chance - then it would be perfect! ;)

    Love the "real" gray man and the "fake" 6 pack dude. Sounds like you two had a fantastic day!

  3. I feel like if I say A2 then I am allowed to love it (living in Cbus I am not allowed to say "the city that that should not be named". It's kind of like Vol.. I mean, he who should not be named). Anyways, looks like a great time! AND I'M GLAD YOU ARE BLOGGING AGAIN!
