Tuesday, May 11, 2010

2nd Quilt for Kids

Free-Motion Quilting Part 5 of ?

Again I traced on the back, but used a larger stipple pattern. Actually I was hoping this would quilt quicker and use less thread. It did use less thread, but I ended up not saving any time.

Looking at what I thought was the finished project I realized I wasn’t careful enough with the quilting placement. I saw a puffy stripe down the middle that I eliminated by adding a squiggly line of quilting. I also added more stippling along the sides since I originally left too much empty space near the border.

I forgot to sew on the label before I made the sandwich, so I improvised the border quilting with a stylized diamond design. It’s quite a contrast to the free-motion quilting on the rest of the quilt.
Despite all of the missteps I am pleased with the end result and looking forward to the next quilt. ~~K


  1. Looks fantastic!!

    I'm loving our quilting lessons and looking forward to learning how to stipple...

  2. Your quilting looks great! I think practice really does make perfect when it comes to free motion - I need to practice A LOT!
