Sunday, January 11, 2009

Diner Dinner

Do you ever crave a greasy-spoon diner breakfast? But for supper?Well, we did and prepared it all at once (other than toast) on our cool-touch griddle. Good eats! ~~K


  1. That looks so good! I think I'm going to have to have breakfast for supper one night this week... What does "touch griddle" mean? Is it electric?

  2. "Cool-touch" - it has about a one-inch "plastic" border around the metal cooking surface that doesn't get hot like the metal does - it makes it nice to move it if you need to while you're cooking. It is electric and is by Presto. My deep fryer is "cool-touch" also - I think they're much safer than the old all metal appliances that were too hot to touch anywhere on them.
