Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Where’s my game face?

I’ve got to get back into a running groove! February’s running miles were the lowest (only 12.6 miles) since I started recording them in July. Here’s my list of excuses (I know, none are acceptable): travel, rough (and late and long) days at school, sickness, bad weather, foul mood, other things to do, etc.

Looking at the calendar, I know I’ve got to run, run, run to be ready for the 5k of the Glass City Marathon in April. Unlike some younger people in our family (who are doing a tremendous job training for a fast 13.1 mile half-marathon run), I have no desire to attempt any “race” greater than 5k.

Yesterday after school I ran on a treadmill at the Y and thought I had done quite well after such a lapse -- until I looked at my running log. In October I completed a 5k in 31 minutes, 52 seconds, yesterday’s was 32’40”. I need to improve, not regress!I’m so fortunate D supports my struggles with running – in so many ways – even my Valentine - new pants and jacket! You don’t see it on the jacket, but it has reflective strips on the pockets – the hood may be concealed by stuffing and zipping it into the cowl collar – nice and light weight, yet water resistant. Now I just need better weather so I can run outside – I’m hoping outside running will pump up my motivation. ~~K


  1. I love that coat! The color too!

  2. That coat is so cool! I especially like how you can completely hide the hood.

    I'm so used to running on the treamdill at home in shorts and a tank top - I'm not quite sure exactly how my first few outside runs are going to go with me all bundled up! I might just wait until I see you for my first outside run of the season. :)
