Wednesday, April 22, 2009

5k Redefined

3.1 or 3.44

Apparently Toledo’s Glass City Marathon has decided to take “poetic license” with the 5k’s distance. As I was doing some last minute checking on the GSM website I saw the 5k on Sunday is 3.44 miles.

I know you should always give 110% to your effort, but when an automatic 10% is added to the challenge – that’s something else! Did Carty have his hand in this?!?

Wish me luck! ~~K


  1. you need me to take care of him?

  2. Matthew - if you take care of him, does it mean we have to take a getaway vacation? If so, I'm all for it! Shades of deja vu?

  3. Love the above comments...

    3.44?! That's not a 5k!!!

    Btw, is the half marathon really 13.1?
