Monday, April 20, 2009

Good Eats

...thanks to R&B

Just catching up on posting pics of some great meals we've shared!

The most tender steak!

Steak and eggs the next morning (that seems so decadent)

Creamy Cajun Chicken PastaThis is a MUST HAVE recipe ( Don't even look at the amount of calories per serving! I think we’re having this again this Saturday so B can do some carb-loading before the half marathon!

Yummy eating! ~~K


  1. Look at those good eats! I'm already looking forward to Creamy Cajun Chicken Pasta this weekend...

  2. I think I am addicted to pasta so, that looks awesome! Do you guys have plans for where to watch the 1/2 from/meet up etc.?

  3. I was hoping we all could go out on Saturday!
