Thursday, April 30, 2009

First Harvest

…and signs of spring

Fresh, crunchy home-grown asparagus! There’s something special about that first harvest - especially when you’re eating it within 30 minutes from it being picked.
While harvesting the asparagus after school Wednesday other sure signs of spring were a welcome sight.
Look close at that last picture – besides the sedum, violets, and coreopsis you can see the first blossom on one of the strawberry plants – it's quite promising as long as the rabbits don’t take over!

Now just give me warmer, drier weather consistently. ~~K


  1. Do you know what kind of tree the purple one is?
    I keep seeing them and I think they are so pretty!

    Your asparagus looks great!

  2. It’s called a redbud tree even though its flowers are purple.
